Ruski predsjednik Vladimir Putin razgovarao je s azerbajdžanskim kolegom Ilhamom Alijevim o padu zrakoplova Azerbaijan Airlinesa i ispričao se jer se “tragični incident” dogodio u ruskom zračnom prostoru. U priopćenju Kremlja stoji: “Vladimir Putin se ispričao zbog činjenice da se tragični incident dogodio u ruskom zračnom prostoru, te još jednom izrazio duboku i iskrenu sućut […]
The text suggests that Putin might have confessed to Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin about the circumstances surrounding a plane crash, which is widely believed to have killed Prigozhin. The source for this claim is the Kremlin, who states that Putin "confessed".
The main idea revolves around a potential admission of guilt by Putin concerning the crash, indicating a possible link between the Russian president and the incident.
The text suggests that Putin might have confessed to Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin about the circumstances surrounding a plane crash, which is widely believed to have killed Prigozhin. The source for this claim is the Kremlin, who states that Putin "confessed". The main idea revolves around a potential admission of guilt by Putin concerning the crash, indicating a possible link between the Russian president and the incident.